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12:30 a.m. - 03.31.14
The Grouchy Old Lady and the Forums
Mostly I am antisocial. But sometimes, in a fit of temporary insanity, I forget that and think to myself, "Gosh, you know what would be lovely? Hanging around with other people."

This morning, I made the mistake of thinking about how I kind of miss the atmosphere of a forum, and maybe I should try to find one for one of my hobbies or something. Of course, it had slipped my mind that every hobby I have ever pursued has the same lineup of three forums, which is:

1. The Original Big Forum that seems intimidatingly full of snooty people.
2. The Snarky Forum which tries to be the opposite of the Original Big and is full of people who think they're hardcore and try really hard to be jerks.
3. The Friendly Forum where they accept EVERYONE unlike that snooty Original Forum and they're nice unlike the Snarky Forum and they have so much fun because they are omg SOOO random, inside joke, lolz.

So an hour into browsing posts at these places I am like "HOLY SHITBALLS, ISN'T THERE A FORUM FOR GODDAMN NORMAL ADULTS AROUND HERE?!"

But there isn't. Forums are the high school cafeteria tables of the internet. So I crawl back in my hole until my memory lapses again.


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